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Car | For sale
Beautiful Pick up low arrows of the 69.meccanica all new, motor 1641 new ccs referred by A shop specialized on old vw.guidandolo you of it powerful…ID: 238502 | 03/07/2016
carlosweater mk1 c abriolet 1600 ccs
Car | For sale
Good conditions Generali.solo 77000 km original originali.carrozzeria never touch, inside original as drives That and A new meraviglia.cappotte as…ID: 238501 | 03/07/2016
carlo1968 | Car | For sale
restauration Body shop, mechanics already revised inclusive l I install idraulico.omologata asi, plant to gas to Book but from rivedere.marcianteID: 238500 | 03/07/2016
carloCar | For sale
Good conditions generali.documenti in order revision as soon as fatta.molti reciprocates of mechanics replaced from poco.vendo causes inutilizzo.altre…ID: 237488 | 13/06/2016
carloCar | For sale
year 76, good general conditions, reliable mechanics, plant gpl new fact only 2 years ago, rubbers and new dampers, tagliandata, varnish and beautiful xxxxx…ID: 214866 | 28/04/2015
carloVolkswagen t1 split 63 pick-ups
Car | For sale
only owner, motor and perfect mechanics, electric plant 12v, original to the 100 x 100.carrozzeria healthy but to xxxxx look for original and logo available…ID: 214855 | 28/04/2015
carloCar | For sale
excellent, inside new, done painting 2 years ago, mechanics 1300cc very xxxxx confirmed drawing, removed but with all the documents.I also appraise…ID: 210580 | 12/02/2015
carloVolkswagen t1 split 63 pick-ups
Car | For sale
info to telephone or by xxxxx perditempoID: 210579 | 12/02/2015
carloCar | For sale
preserved pick-up, anybody trace of rust both on the body shop and on the loom.marching, inside beautiful, original documents and black plates dell xxxxx…ID: 210526 | 12/02/2015
carloCar | For sale
I sell splendid ford gt 1600 fastbacks, Original, that cannot be found xxxxx version gt in comparison to the 1600 normal coupes has 20 cv in more (collector of…ID: 174056 | 03/03/2013
carlo1969 | Car | For sale
I sell bmw 2002 year 69, coming from the francia but imma tricolato in italia in 1980, finished just restoring xxxxx car l I have restored because and is firm for…ID: 174055 | 03/03/2013
carlo1976 | Car | For sale
auto under perfect general xxxxx beautiful body shop without not even a sign or a scratch, healthy sottoscocca, insides and panels just referred in beige total…ID: 171750 | 27/01/2013