Fee-based services

AutoBelle.it offers you a variety of ways for enhancing the visibility of your advert or company:

  • Services which can be activated on single adverts
  • Prepaid Services: an innovative way to save
  • Banners and links

Services which can be purchased individually

What promotional services does AutoBelle.it provide for single adverts?
All users, registered or otherwise, can choose to promote their advert during the creation process.
At the end of the creation process, a series of services are proposed for activation on the advert.
These are:


Featured advert + Top spot

The advert is entered on the first page of the website in a superior section and therefore is more visible than other adverts. This type of feature ensures greater visibility for visitors and at the same time enables higher indexing of your advert on search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) meaning it will appear in a higher number of searches. In purchasing the service, the advert is repositioned at the top of other listed adverts. The duration of the service is 8 days - cost € 8,00
8 days€ 8,00

Highlighted advert + Top spot

A bright background is added to make your advert stand out from all the rest. This attracts more visitors towards your advert. In purchasing the service, the advert is repositioned at the top of other listed adverts. The duration of the service is 90 days - cost € 3,00
90 days€ 3,00

Advert in Top spot

The advert appears at the top of advert listings as though it has just been added. The cost is € 0,40.
immediate€ 0,40

Advert on top every day for a month

The advert is repositioned at the top of advert listings every single day, as though it has just been added. The duration of the service is 30 days - cost € 15,00
30 days€ 15,00

Advert on top every week for a month

The advert is repositioned at the top of advert listings on a weekly basis, as though it has just been added. The duration of the service is 30 days - cost € 5,00
30 days€ 5,00

Via PayPal, the purchase process for single services is automatic, however you can still choose to pay for them in a different way, contact us at the following email address annunci@autobelle.it

Please contact us if you require information via our email or use the form on the Contacts page.

Prepaid Services: How to Save

Autobelle.it offers registered users the chance to benefit from big savings on promotional services.

But what are prepaid services or service packages?
They are the same services available for purchase for adverts, but sold in packages of 20, for big savings and available for activation as you please on any of our adverts.

The purchase of prepaid services simplifies advert promotion and guarantees big savings.
These packages never expire, so you can buy them without worrying about having to use them by a certain date.
They will always remain associated with your user account and will be deducted as you use them.
Let's take a closer look:


20 "Featured" adverts € 120,00 (instead of € 160,00)

An advert is featured for a duration of 8 days.
8 days€ 120,00

20 "Highlighted" adverts € 40,00 (instead of € 60,00)

An advert is highlighted with a coloured background, making it stand out from the rest. The service remains active 90 days.
90 days€ 40,00

20 "Back to top" adverts € 8,00

The advert is positioned at the top of listings and marked as newly inserted, thus increasing its visibility.
immediate€ 8,00

20 "Back to top everyday" adverts € 100,00 (instead of € 300,00)

The advert is positioned at the top of listings every day for 30 days, and marked as newly inserted, thus increasing its visibility.
30 days€ 100,00

20 "Back to top every 7 days" adverts € 30,00 (instead of € 100,00)

The advert is positioned at the top of listings on a weekly basis for 30 days, and marked as newly inserted, thus increasing its visibility.
30 days€ 30,00

With PayPal, the purchase procedure for prepaid services is automatic, however you can still choose to pay for these services in another way, just send us an email to annunci@autobelle.it

Please contact us if you require information via our email or use the form on the Contacts page.

Advertising on the site

You can advertise your own website or business by adding your banner on Autobelle.it. We reserve the right to assess the content of links, which should be connected to the car and motorbike world.
Without a doubt this is the best solution for achieving top results in listings. For further information on prices and payment methods, please consult the special section in this document.

Please CONTACT US for any further information!