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Results: 1 - 3 on 3


  • Volkswagen may-bug

    1972 | Car | For sale


    I sell a splendid may-bug of the 1972 model 1303, and state restored recently covering different new pieces. Red external color and you intern beige in skin.…

    ID: 209547 | 27/01/2015

  • volkswagen may-bug 1303

    1972 | Car | For sale


    I sell volkswagen may-bug model 1303 restored a little while ago and preserved to the covered in garage, the auto belongs to my mother that has decided to…

    ID: 201758 | 04/08/2014

  • Maggiolo of the far 72

    1972 | Car | For sale


    I sell for family motives and unwillingly my 1972 maggiolo restored 2 years ago and jealously guarded. The auto is under good conditions, it is a beautiful…

    ID: 178247 | 02/05/2013